Medical Mission Trips/Remote Areas
May 18, 2021
Chris Berg
The PEACE Project in Haiti Membership
Esmath Sainval, one of our school directors, proposed medical mission trips into the remote rural areas to deal with a mammoth scabies outbreak. PEACE Project loved the idea and Esmath has organized two trips to date.
Esmath hires local medical professionals, so we're helping Haitians help Haitians. An internist, a dermatologist, a generalist, 2 dentists and 3 nurses. One of the docs is U.S. trained, one is Cuban trained, one studied in Venezuela.
These are remote locations. The doctors and nurses ride in on motorcycle taxis. The meds arrive by 4x4.
Crowds waiting patiently.
Consider becoming "1 of the 1000", our group of regular donors. Just $10 a month given by 1000 people covers most of the operating budgets of the three schools we're supporting.
There is so much opportunity to help people in Haiti, one of the poorest countries in the world. PEACE Project is run by volunteers. Your donation will go directly to the work we're doing. Please help us help Haiti.
Final Notes from PEACE in Haiti...
The PEACE Project is in for the long haul. We just established a base in Haiti in an apartment right across the street from the new school campus. This will allow us to spend more time in Haiti for less money and the space will give us a place to work with the older kids to improve their futures. Think "motivation to stay out of gangs and not get pregnant". PEACE Project is adding a third building to the new campus to have room for a complete secondary school (10th-12th grades) We want these kids to stay in school and we hope to offer college scholarships. Can you help?