Pledges: the Fundraising Game-Changer

With Pledges, members commit to giving a larger total contribution amount.
With Pledges, members commit to giving a larger total contribution amount.

The Power of Pledges for Fundraising

Pledges are unique to MemberDrive among the top competitive fundraising platforms:
  • Pledges are almost as good as money in the bank for a fundraising campaign, because your members commit to paying you a total amount over a period of time, and you get credit for the fundraising
  • People looking at your campaign see the combined total of what has been donated already and what has been pledged, incentivizing them to donate more 
    • The perception of your campaign improves because the pledges give you credit for future donations that members have committed
Pledges Included in Total Amount
  • To ensure pledges are paid, MemberDrive takes the credit card or ACH donation info when a member pledges for recurring payment 
  • Your member feels an investment through the commitment they have made to pay their total pledged amount; they feel strongly that this is something they want to support
  • You get the certainty of knowing how much each member will pay over time, since the member has committed into a payment plan
Ready to put Pledges to work for your organization? Sign up for free with MemberDrive and we'll get you going: We'll give you a personalized, one-on-one onboarding to help you get set up if you have any questions.

Read on to see how MemberDrive puts your members in control of their giving, and how that relieves you of micromanagement overhead.

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