Engage Members With Content
Member Content gives members exclusive updates on how their
contributions are helping your campaign.
Member Content gives members exclusive updates on how their contributions are helping your campaign
Engage with your members with content updates on the progress of your campaign
- MemberDrive lets you easily post different kinds of content to your members so they can see progress, updates, and developments in your campaign: blog post-style updates that include images
- Your content closes the loop with your members, connecting their contributions to your campaign in a tangible way
- Choose whether your update is shown publicly (good for marketing to the public at large) or for members only (gives members a feeling of exclusive insider access to what’s happening behind the scenes).
Get started with MemberDrive, the best-in-class fundraising platform. We'll give you a personalized, one-on-one onboarding to help you get set up if you have any questions.
Read on to learn how MemberDrive ensures your members' donations go directly to your account, without us acting as a middle-man custodian.