MemberDrive Newsletter - Issue #2

Oct 31, 2022
Ryan Heneise
MemberDrive Fans
Lots of news for MemberDrive today: Several new feature, and we’re growing!

New Feature: Pledges

MemberDrive now supports pledges. A pledge is a promise of future payment. Members can pledge to your campaign, and you’ll collect the funds at a future date.

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Pledges in Action

Pledges are a powerful tool for forecasting revenue because donors can let you know how much they will be able to give over the course of time. 
Pledges can also help raise more money; since a pledge is a formal promise, you can keep donors accountable by reminding them of their promise. 
Pledges are a great way to raise money for larger and longer-term projects like building projects, capital campaigns, and annual expenses.
What’s the difference between a pledge and a donation?
A pledge is:
  • A promise of future support
  • Collected at a later date
  • Best for large and long-term projects like building campaigns
A donation is:
  • A gift that’s paid immediately
  • Best for ongoing support of your organization’s mission
After a member creates a pledge, they can choose how to pay the pledge. Many members will choose to set up an automatic payment right in MemberDrive

We're Growing!

I’m pleased to welcome Devin Rose to MemberDrive as a co-founder. 
I first met Devin over a decade ago when we both had hobby farms alongside our jobs as software engineers.
We’ve remained friends over the years and recently realized that we had a good opportunity to partner on MemberDrive and make it the best-in-class fundraising platform.
Devin has worked in the tech industry for over 20 years (at places such as NASA, Dell Computer, as well as in areas like healthcare and robotics) and also brings good experience as an entrepreneur.

Newest Campaign: Tradition and Beauty

As of this newsletter’s publication, we are pleased to highlight the newest organization and campaign to use MemberDrive: Tradition and Beauty.
This campaign is for a Catholic parish seeking to build a new church for their growing parishioners. The pledges feature was critical to their success and decision to go with MemberDrive.
They’ve now raised over $1 million in donations and pledges!
Are you ready to start fundraising? Or know someone who is?
Get started for free in just a few simple steps here: