Hello dōTERRA friends and Wellness Advocate family,
In dōTERRA, philanthropy is at the heart of what we do and who we are. As a global community we would like to invite you to unite to join us as we impact millions of lives.
What if there is something small you can do, that would ripple into millions of lives? Did you know that you can easily change the trajectory of a child or family?
Along with you, our global community, LETS and doTERRA are on a mission to empower millions within dōTERRA’s supply chain- our incredible farmers, harvesters and families that bring us the oils we all love so much.
Let me show you how.
My name is Kristin Van Wey, I’m a dōTERRA Blue Diamond Wellness Advocate and the Founding Director of LETS. I am devoted to creating and implementing solutions for some of the world’s most challenging problems-Trafficking, poverty and abuse….and the many residual traumas that can accompany them such as abortion, orphanages, lack of education, crime and drug abuse.
Over 10 years ago …….I landed in Haiti for the first time and witnessed levels of poverty and corruption that forever changed my life. The complex emotions I experienced are etched into my heart and drive me on the mission that continues to expand globally.
After being in Haiti a few years, I realized 4 out of 5 children in the orphanages I was working had living parents. It wasn't just in the orphanages I saw the need for education and awareness, it was vast and it's not only in Haiti- this is a global problem. Through many conversations I found that many of the women in the community are birthing 6- 16 children whom they can't support and have no idea how to stop getting pregnant. So every year, the orphanages take on this massive load. Other children die of malnutrition and still others are sent into the city to become slaves, separated from their families without a chance for education or loving support. (It's estimated there are 400k to 500k child slaves in Haiti alone.)
That's heavy isn't it..... but there is hope. I want you to Imagine for the first time in their lives they have access to support, educational tools and resources that can change this reality. Imagine the feelings of empowerment as they understand how their body works and have confidence in who they are. They can now make decisions for their future and for their current or future families..... imagine their confidence and hope. Imagine LETS!
LETS Port Salut, Haiti staff
How is it possible? What is the solution?
Access to education is key. LETS personally meets with students a minimum of eight times and has learning centers that can be accessed for additional learning and support. This is not a one and done endeavor- it takes time and the building of relationships. We work with both male and female students starting at the ages of 9-11 to prepare them for puberty and continue with teens and adults. Women, couples and youth feel enabled when they learn about their reproductive health, human development and basic health and wellbeing education. Students will confidently and age appropriately know anatomy and physiology, healthy daily habits and when sexually active they will understand their most fertile days so they can make choices about conceiving. Our full curriculum helps individuals make more informed decisions around intimacy, managing emotions, setting goals, taking care of their homes and having respect for each other. They learn to track theirs or their companions menstrual cycle with the Lunar Essential Tracker System (LETS) bracelet. They learn strategies for living a healthier life - specifically for their bodies, minds, spirits and their environment. A full life approach is critical as poverty and trafficking are multi-facetted.
True solutions come from addressing the root cause and our results show it's working. Once students complete 6 lessons they receive a three month then a one year assessment so we can stay in touch, answer questions and ensure successful implementation.
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We have already reached tens of thousands of lives in areas such as Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Bangladesh, Uganda, Kenya, USA and South Africa. The first project is launched in Haiti but there is so much more for us to do.
Through your involvement, we can take this to additional dōTERRA sourcing communities where we are positioned to go into 45+ countries with our educational template.
This is just the beginning and we’d love for you to experience the LETS and dōTERRA magic!
Where does your money go? Your Donation- Your Impact!
Grow your impact ~ Grow your prosperity ~ Grow your purpose
Here's the nitty, gritty: All farmers, harvesters, distillers, staff and their families as well as the entire local community (we work in the schools, clinics, churches, often times homes and with local non profits/NGO's) will have access to our ever growing programs and support.
$1+ monthly - any smaller or miscellaneous donations will be combined to fund education, supplies, salary and operational overhead of our teams. (Imagine 1 million wellness advocates and friends donating $1-$30 mo to CIS projects!! We will impact all 45+counties very quickly!)
$5 monthly - Transportation for two educators for one class
$15 monthly - 6 lessons, 2 assessments, calendar and support for one student
$30 monthly - 6 lessons, 2 assessments, LETS menstrual tracking bracelet, calendar and support for one student and transportation of staff to one class
$150 monthly - Monthly salary for one farmer or artisan,
$175- $275 monthly - Monthly salary for one educator or Director, Lease of land for majok seed production or HQ Lease.
You will get real time stories and photos of the impact YOU are making. You can even join us on one of our retreats to meet, learn from and experience first hand what we are doing. Real lives- real impact!
About LETS
LETS empowers women, couples, and young people to make informed choices about their reproductive health, human development and basic health wellbeing through proven education and tools. According to research, this type of education is key to preventing unplanned pregnancies, improving quality of life and preventing human trafficking, child poverty and abuse before it begins. LETS website,
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About the dōTERRA Healing Hands & Co Impact Sourcing Foundations
dōTERRA sources, tests, manufactures, and distributes pure essential oils and natural wellness products to millions. dōTERRA Healing Hands Foundation’s mission is to empower people worldwide to make positive sustainable change. It sources some of its essential oils from communities in need and provides employment for administrators, farmers, harvesters and essential oil distillers in over 45 communities in developing countries. These projects break the cycle of human suffering and poverty for the individuals and families in these communities. https://doterrahealinghands.org and https://sourcetoyou.com/en.
For those of you who are still with me and really love to understand all the minute details-
What are the statistics?
Challenges are difficult to read about yet they can inspire us to act. Across the world and within many of our Co-Impact Sourcing communities, children and families are in vulnerable circumstances. We can change this. For example, today more than two million children are subjected to prostitution in the global commercial sex trade every day. Others are trafficked for labor or both. It is estimated that 40.3 million are victims of trafficking worldwide This is a 150 Billion dollar industry – 25% are children and 75% are women and girls. According to UNICEF every two minutes a child is being prepared for sexual exploitation globally. UNICEF also reports that approximately 30 million children have lost their childhood through sexual exploitation over the past 30 years.
One in four victims of modern slavery are children. If these children do happen to stay within their family, many are also faced with poverty from the moment that they are born. (International Labor Organization)
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One billion children worldwide are living in poverty. According to UNICEF, 22,000 children die each day due to poverty.
4 out of 5 children in some developing countries that are in orphanages have at least one living parent and most have some extended family. (Save the Children)
The Current Situation is Unsustainable
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The current environment for women and children in crisis is unsustainable and unsafe. If you’re not convinced, consider this statistic. In America an average of 738 children enter foster care every day. That’s 30 every hour. One every two minutes. Children are being born into homes that can’t sustain them. (US Department of Human Services – 2015)
To compound the issue many women that end up trafficked in the US and in other countries become pregnant. According to Hestia, based in the UK, one in four female slavery survivors in the UK are pregnant when they escape from their captors and birth their children into poverty. This is happening in developed and developing countries alike. Unplanned and unwanted pregnancies can also result in abortion for these women. According to a study by Global Centurion, 55% of the trafficked women surveyed had at least one abortion, and 30% had multiple abortions during the time of trafficking.
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Educational opportunities for family planning are not available to the extent that they need to be. In some countries, such as Haiti and Mozambique, almost half of sexually active, unmarried women ages 15 to 19 have an unmet need for family planning. (Population Reference Bureau)
Together We Can Change These Statistics
The LETS doTERRA Healing Hands and Co Impact Sourcing Initiative gives us a very unique opportunity to personally support our 45+ CIS communities to rise and lift up those who have so little access to the tools that will shift poverty, abuse, trafficking, lack of eduction and so many other preventable circumstances. We can scale our impact with funding.
Through inspiration a clear plan of action and curriculum was created that has been proven to provide hope and prevent pain before it starts. Through the years it has been trialed and tested to the extreme and has expanded to countries across the world through NGO's and volunteers we train through our online training program.
LETS has been collaboration with dōTERRA Co-Impact Sourcing (CIS) to bring life altering education, jobs and support to communities who farm and source products throughout dōTERRA’s supply chain! With funding this initiative will continue to expand to all dōTERRA CIS vetiver communities in Haiti as well as those participating in 45+ counties. This gives LETS access the potential to reach and empower millions of individuals across hundreds of locations.
For More Information
This website is specifically for LETS Co Impact Sourcing Initiative Fundraising. For a more concise view of our Vision and Mission as well as how to get involved check out theLETS website,https://doterrahealinghands.org and https://sourcetoyou.com/en. LETS is a trusted 501(c)3 non-profit organization and your gift may qualify as a charitable deduction for US federal income tax purposes.
You'll also be able to view, update or cancel your membership via your My Membership page and actively recruit others to the cause through your personal magic link which will link your campaign efforts to those you recruit. You can share this link on social media, via email or text with your Magic Link to help magnify our efforts.
You'll also get access to regular posts from LETS about the campaigns you're supporting so you can feel even more connected to your fundraising efforts and view the top fundraisers per campaign.