The challenge in Bangladesh
Families in Bangladesh are grappling with a long history of gender-based inequality, harassment, and violence. The patriarchal family unit is highly valued there, though sometimes at the expense of women and children. Child exploitation, both in public and at home, occurs frequently and child protective services are scarce. When Bangladeshi families struggle financially, a common solution is to arrange marriage for teenage daughters in order to free up resources. Bangladesh ranks number one in the world for marriages of girls under the age of 15, and 33% of married women believe their husbands have a right to beat them. Despite an increase in family planning programs and a fall in fertility, 48% of pregnancies in Bangladesh are unintended.
Introducing LETS education to Bangladesh
The public school system in Bangladesh devotes virtually no resources to the teaching of reproductive health. Additionally, these topics are too taboo to speak about in the vast majority of Bangladeshi homes. LETS is partnering with local humanitarian organizations in Bangladesh such as Amal Foundation to bring reproductive health, human development, and basic health and wellbeing education to the women, couples and young people of Bangladesh.
As we translate the LETS curriculum into Bangla, the sixth most-spoken language in the world, we are poised to reach millions with our message. We are creating jobs for artisans in rural women's centers who will craft a locally-sourced LETS bracelet for use as a fertility tracking tool throughout the country.
With your help, we are collaborating with religious and educational leaders to teach a model of sustainable families that emphasizes individual choice and respect across genders. Your donation can transform the fabric of Bangladesh, empowering couples to work in tandem and plan for their families and youth to determine their own futures. We’re so excited to update you on the progress we are achieving together!
This website is for LETS Fundraising. View the LETS website for more information about LETS.
LETS is a trusted 501(c)3 non-profit organization and your gift may qualify as a charitable deduction for US federal income tax purposes.